Friday, June 27, 2008

Strategy Meeting

We didn't really do that much yesterday, besides plan out all of VBS and make about 27 lists of things that we needed to get/do/find/sing. We started out the day going to the hospital on island, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Tropical Medical Center located just outside of Pago Pago. It was really interesting to have to go to the hospital to pick up a refill prescription. I enjoyed seeing the hospital, but not waiting like an hour for one prescription. That part was a little agonizing. After that we ran some other errands and came home for lunch. We went again to the seamstress to give her a second set of projects (my matching family outfits) and then we came home. After a little Gilmore Girls, we sat down and planned the VBS with Danielle. We had already planned most of it, but Danielle helped us by saying what the kids could or couldn't do or what we couldn't find on island as far as supplies go. Simple things like beads or brads, can't be found here...weird, huh? Well now our plans are properly adjusted and we are going shopping for all of our supplies today. Tonight we are going to put most of it together and get completely ready. 

There is a HUGE arts festival (held only every 4 years) that incorporates artists from all of the islands. It is taking place on Tutuila, American Samoa this year. It starts right after I leave, but there is a preview thing for it on Saturday night that we are going to. It will all be Samoan on Saturday, but that is the culture that we are learning anyway. 

Our lectureship/VBS is this coming week and it is a big deal for the missionaries. We are hoping for about 40 kids. Chances are the ones under school age (about 7) will not speak any English and we will be working with a translator. Please pray for this effort and our participation in it. Thanks for all the love and support and vote in the poll!


Anonymous said...

Hurray for matching family outfits! Should be cute.

And I do hope you don't get too frustrated working with a translator. It will probably be interesting, at any rate.

And I'm so jealous about that arts festival. I'd love to come with you, but I'm stuck here (for another 8 days! Squee!)


Dara said...

Wow it sounds like you are having so much fun. What a cool experience! When do you come home?

Kate Huggins said...

I am going to meet my family in Hawai'i on the 13th and coming back to Texas on the 27th. I will have been gone for about 2 months!

Bethany said...

Kate, Though I am certainly not an expert, I have done VBS with translators 5 times (3x Spanish, 2x Japanese) and it is a little more work for everyone but it is awesome to see it all come together! Just remember to look at the kids, not the translator, when you are talking to them, and try to make your "translation breaks" sound natural. You will have so much fun! I love VBS and am sad that we are leaving before our church has one this year.

fireinacan said...

That art thing sounds really cool- have fun with that preview!