Friday, June 13, 2008

Painfully Plucked Pineapple Proves Perfect

Yesterday was, as anticipated, a quieter day for us. We started the day off with a bowl of ceral, Honey Nut Cheerios if you must know. I then drove to the mechanic, following David to drop off our van to get fixed. It was making a really interesting noise. Then we went to the Pacific Island Cable company to put an ad on T.V. for the Annual South Pacific Lectureship that we are going to have in a few weeks. We are in charge of the VBS/Children's class for the week. We have 2 and a half hours to fill for 5 days in a row. We are going along with the adult theme of the fruits of the Spirit. We are working hard to get that planned before we "leave island" on Wednesday. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but we are going to Apia, Western Samoa, next Wednesday until next Saturday. We are going to see giant clams, visit Robert Lewis Stevenson's house (author of Dr. Jekel and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island, etc.), snokel, stay in an open air fale (house) on the beach and see the site of yet another country. I am really excited about that. David says that I will never look at the beach the same ever again. It is supposed to be even more untouched, sandy, and beautiful. I can't imagine a place much more beautiful than our island. 

We are starting to work hard on inviting people to the lectureship and to church the week before lectureship. Tia, one of the elders, is very busy with visitors on the island, but he has invited me to email him and come to his forest preservation office and kind of shadow him. This would be a really cool way to look at the island from a biologist's perspective. 

Today we are trying to go snorkeling, but it might rain on us again. We are going to see. I am looking forward to spending some time outside today because we spend most of yesterday planning things for our classes and VBS inside. We spent last night with David and Danna's daughter that lives next door having a girl's night. We made chocolate chip waffles and brownies. We danced off the calories playing Dance Dance Revolution and singing karyoke. Then we watched Gilmore Girls (no, I wasn't in charge of the entertainment, we all helped plan). It was a lot of fun and a little crazy. I think all dinners should involve chocolate in at least two ways. That was amazing. Anyway, more on chocolate later...

I hope that everything is well with you. I am praying for all of you who read my blog and I continue to ask for prayers for my missionaries, the kids we are working with, and the people of this island that are so genuinely Christian. It's not pretend and it's not easy, but they do it anyway.

Love from AMSAM!


Anonymous said...

Giant clams! Gasp! And Robert Louis Stevenson! Double gasp! So much jealousy!!!

So, does this mean no contact while you're not in American Samoa? Is there internet over there? I will miss you!

LoveLoveLoveLoveLoveLove :D

momandlucy said...

Giant clams, pictures please. Snorkeling, pictures please. I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Kate Huggins said...

I am going to Western Samoa. I am not taking my computer, but I know I will be writing for days afterwards. I am looking forward to it. I'll work on those pictures, Mom. I hope you checked out the new video!