Saturday, July 3, 2010

End of the Trip

Hey readers!

Sorry this is so late in coming. I have been so low on energy and computer time lately. I suppose I will tell you a little about the last few days in Guatemala.

We spent the Monday and Tuesday of the last week working in the clinics. On Monday, Garrett and I went to clinic in Rio Bravo but there was no doctor there. Dr. Garrett, Dr. Kate, and a health translator support person ran the clinic. We only had 8 patients thank goodness but it was fun. We gave a lot of referrals to come back the next week and did our best to make the patients that were in pain more comfortable. It was an interesting day for sure. Tuesday, we went with Dr. Sierra to his clinic in Samayac that Amy and I were at the week before. We saw lots of really interesting patients and I felt like we got to participate in the process either by writing the prescriptions or examining the patients. We saw a lot of hernias and other painful disorders that they will need surgery for. They will have to wait until September for most of them when the next team comes down...but that is not that bad if you consider the level of care and the price that they would be paying elsewhere.

Wednesday we had family day with our friends in Chicacao. We watched the US game at Garrett's and then went to Amy's for chocolate covered fruit. Funny thing is...that fruit gave all of us parasites (amoebas in specific). The strawberries and bananas and oranges were good but the full week and a half of bloating, not sleeping, loss of appetite, cramping after you eat, fever, and all the rest of it were unpleasant. Oh well, "Welcome to Guatemala" as we say along with "travel with no expectations because those become disappointments; traveling expectation free allows you to always be pleasantly surprised." So yeah, it was good we met Lisa the doctor two days later when we were all fit-to-be-tied and sick as dogs. Not really though, I didn't feel bad unless I thought about food or saw it or smelled it. There is no diet like amoebas...let me tell ya.

Thursday we headed to Antigua and got here before lunch. We waited on the other group and watched soccer games until they got there. Then we went to lunch and had a great afternoon. These were our two vacation days to act like Americans and how the other side lived. We went shopping and swimming and had great food. We had such a good time. My roommates and I stayed up until 4 one night just talking and then got up at 7 to watch the Brazil game at 8. It was so much fun and great to relax. I had my first hot shower in over 17 days in that hotel and almost freaked out it was so delightful...oh the little things in life.

Saturday was very bittersweet. While I got to see my family (mom and grandparents and then Bering church family the next day) which was great, I had to say bye to all of my new friends that shared this singular experience with me. I just want to take a second to thank them for all of the support and friendship and love that I was shown while I was in Guatemala. It was a rough time for me and you all stuck it out alongside me and encouraged all of us the whole way. It truly was a great experience and ones I will remember for the rest of my life.

From the highs of Lake Atitlan and climbing the volcano to the depths of tropical storms, insomnia, and bed was a summer that I will never forget and provided experiences that I will carry in my heart forever. I can't wait to meet my first patient with bed bug bites-- empathy will never come so easily as with that.

Thanks again for the prayers and support. They were definitely felt and highly needed. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more adventures in the life of Kate Huggins, :)