Friday, May 14, 2010

On Your Mark, Get excited, Leave! (Again)

As my large black suitcase not only fills over the brim, but over the scale...I am almost ready. This should be the final update before I am writing from across the oily Gulf and way south of the border. I am happy to report that my spirits are light again as I look forward to this adventure. For unknown reasons, I have experienced more apprehension about this trip. By unknown reasons I don't mean unknown to me. I know exactly what they are. They are the unknowns: the colleagues I don't know yet, the families I haven't met, the roads I haven't travelled, the people that I will interact with, the language I wish I knew more of, and finally, the foods I have never encountered.

Yesterday, I was freaking out. Final preparations always freak me out a little bit. But today, I woke up (thanks to the Lord) with a fresh spirit and a fresh outlook. I remembered why I am doing this and how much I truly love unknowns. When I think about it, I love getting to know people. I love the thought of living with a Guatemalan families. I love going where I have never been. I love interacting with new people. I love learning the language. I love trying new things and seeing how new people view the world. The very things that made me apprehensive are the things that I know I am going to love the most.

Well, enough of that for now. I have a couple more things to stuff into my overfull suitcase or cram into my small carry-on and very limited time to do so. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers as I embark on this new adventure. My next post will be from unknown computers worlds away. Good thing God is everywhere or I would never have the strength to go anywhere.



Dara said...

Blessings on your travels girl! I can't wait to hear of all of your adventures :)

Sam said...

Blessings on your work and your navigation of the language you'll be learning... Love you Kate!