Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer days...drifting away...

Hey readers!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have had limited time on the internet and all of that has been concentrated on finishing my medical school application and emailing my advisor and my parents about all of that stuff! I am back though!!

I did finish my application for medical school on, wait, what was that?, Wednesday night. It was an exciting story- I had gone over to Garrett's everyday because his family has a computer. But during the day on Wednesday I was supposed to be working, but the doctor I was working for insisted that I watch the Uruguay-South Africa game instead. I did (naturally) and updated him on the progress every few minutes. I toldd myself that if Uruguay won, I had to submit my application that matter what. So I went to Garrett's after work but there was a thunderstorm. I waited for it to go down a little, checked the rest of the information, read my essays again and got ready to submit it. A few minutes before church started, I realized I had to have the number of the check that I am sending them. So I went to church and it was, not so ironically, about worrying about our lives. Perfect, God. Thanks! I trudged down to Andrea's in the rain (she has the phone) and finally got a hold of my parents. After I got the check number, I walked in the pouring rain back up to Garrett's. I was soaked, but I needed to get it done. Garrett had pulled up the website for me but he was eating dinner with his family, so I went in and got the information put in. Garrett and his host dad came in right as I was about to press the button, so I closed my eyes and went for it...the internet shut off...perfect. So I did that a couple more times and then decided that I was GOING TO GET THIS APPLICATION IN! So I stayed and waited. Finally, it showed it as in and I was never so relieved. I swam back to my house (almost literally) and got home in time for dinner (more or less). Just thought all of you should know what a hillarious mess that whole night was.

So yeah, I have been back in medical clinics the last two days and it is really different than the clinics in Chichi. There I felt like we were a part of the process, that we were useful and they liked having us around. Here we don't really do anything like vitals or helping out with labs(they won't let us) so we just basically shadow the doctors. It is always great experience and useful for learning, but now I find that I really miss the hands-on/this-is-my-patient aspect of clinics. It is good though, don't get me wrong...I love it.

Today, we all got an excuse to stay home and come into work late because the USA team was playing Slovenia. We met at Garrett's and watched the very exciting game. I have never been so worked up about a sport in my life (minus Wade's state-winning football game). It was great. When we got to the clinic, we saw a patient and then they said that was all there was to see today. Hence, the catching up on my blog...

Thanks for the love and prayers and support. I really appreciate it so much. I've grown so much on this trip it's incredible.


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