Thursday, May 27, 2010


Nope...that´s the real name of where I am right now. We are here in the middle of nowhere Guatemala for the next two weeks and it is really different. My family doesn´t really speak Spanish, which is interesting. They all speak Kíche which is a Mayan language. Here are the top five reasons I could not ever pass for a Mayan

5. I am about 2 feet too tall for an average woman
4. I know nothing about carrying children on my back
3. I don´t know how to wash my face and brush my teeth while holding a flashlight.
2. I don´t cherish getting up at 5 in the morning to take the corn to the corn mill. I do it, but not quite with a spring in my step.
1. I am miserable at making tortillas.

Where as rice and beans were the flavor last week, this week is corn. Corn drink, corn tortillas, corn flakes, corn tamales, corn for the chickens, corn for the turkeys, corn husks on the get the picture. Corn is really big.

Ah, what else...well, yeah, I started work this week. I am taking vitals and blood glucose levels, and sitting in with consults. I have really enjoyed every minute in the clinics so far. I am so at home with all of that stuff. Today I saw two female patients recieve pelvic exams and a male patient who was suffering from a hernia...yeah, gross, but it´s life and I am glad those patients were able to make it in to see us. We give a lot of vitamins and the people are so grateful for what they get.

I am so grateful to love what I am doing so much. Life at home, my Guatemalan home, is a little hard but I am getting through. It is just the food and the language barrier that get to me. I am getting better at eating the food though...little at a time. Please pray for me and us though this week as adjusting to living out in the country in Guatemala and 5 foot ceilings can be difficult at times.

Thanks for all the prayers and support!


momandlucy said...

Did you forget to tell them, that you don't do things that could cause you to perspire? Did you forget to tell them you don't do camping? Remember our motto, "Embassy Suites is camping to the Huggins girls."

momandlucy said...

Thank goodness for the Kemmel's blog. I was getting frozen with concern for you. I don't like to hear volcanoes and mudslides are keeping the mountains at a standstill. Tell them thanks. I love you.

momandlucy said...

i saw the lime green one on the nurses blog.

Unknown said...

Kate...I grew up on the Mississippi Coast with hurricanes. My Dad had charter boats so we had to go out every hour in the storm and check the boats. BUT I can't imagine volcanoes and mudslides! You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers for your mission but now for your safety. Please stay safe and may God bless you.