Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oi tadu bem!

Hello and how are you? I'm coming to you tonight straight from the Foz do Igauçu do Brasil. Which is the small town near the Iguazu Falls. We just got off of our 20 hour bus ride and are settling into our hotel now.

I learned several things about bus trips in the last 24 hours. Here are the ones that I will share with you.

1) Spanish-speaking DVD players will automatically set your language to Spanish if given the chance (subtitles are not immune either).

2) The most comfortable way to sleep in a bus is the way they intended; you might be creative, but your neck won't appreciate it.

3) When watching a movie with an 11-year old, you notice EVERY curse word, even if it's rated PG and only has one.

4) Advil PM works; embrace the drugs.

5) Eat when offered food. The only exception is alfajores (cookies with carmel) after 11 PM.

6) Pack toilet paper. If you don't, you will be paying for it, argentine pesos only.

This list is not exhaustive, but I definitely am exhausted. I apologize for the overall incoherence of this post. I will have more and more exciting news tomorrow!

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