Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Expo Prado

That's right boys and girls! Gather around to hear about the annual round up of cowboys and indians, minus the indians and change the name of the cowboys to Gauchos. Yesterday, we took a stroll in the park in a part of town called Prado to check out what all the fuss was about.

After a long bus ride through the city, we arrived at the bus stop right in front of the Presidential Palace. No one was home though, for two reasons. First of all, President Vasquez does not live there. He refused to move in there when he was elected. He remains in his private residence. Secondly, Vasquez was in Washington, D.C., this week to meet with Secretary Clinton. They had a brief press conference that you can find online easily (link below). I am glad that they decided to keep being friends (not that there was any doubt).

We walked a short way through a mainly residential area and entered the Expo for about US$5. Then we got to walk around and see different animals and gauchos all around. They had things to buy and snacks and all. They even had little exhibits from other countries such as China, Mexico, Argentina, and more. It was really interesting. In the middle there was a show ring where when we walked through they were showing wooly sheep and GIANT bulls. We saw them prepping the bulls and it was really funny. They hairspray them and fluff up their tails and wash and comb them up until the minute they walk into the room. I got some pictures of them just because they were so giant.

We also found a section with goats and some adorable baby goats, two barns of sheep, a barn of milk cows, and a barn of horses. Most of the horses were already gone, but I got to make friends with a couple of them. They were gorgeous!

We got there about 2PM and a bit after 5 we realized how late it was beginning to get and that we should get home to do some homework. We did and after a quick bite of left-overs I spent several hours studying. At one point there were like 7-8 of us up in the loft studying which is basically our whole class. The studying didn't stand a chance for that long so I retreated to my room.

I will admit that I got a bit caught up in talking to people in Abilene and such last night and didn't get very much sleep. Possibly because of that and new allergens that bloomed this week (after all, it is spring here) I am not feeling so well today. I got up and had some breakfast and then slept all morning. Then I went to lunch and class and then back to sleep. I woke up around 5 and had dinner and watched a movie, but I am tired again. Please pray that I am not really getting sick (a couple of bugs have been going around here in the house). I hope to be feeling better and rested tomorrow.

Tomorrow, speaking of, we are going to get our shots for yellow fever and visas for Brazil! One good thing is balanced by a bad thing. That's okay though. Just an update for all of you faithful readers, I did go and get my laundry today and it was safe. I love the smell of the laundry here and the fact that I don't have to do it! :)

Blessings on your weeks!

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