Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Are you or have you ever been associated with the Nazi gobernment of Germany?

Turns out that the back of the visa application for the country of Brazil is thoroughly entertaining! We filled the application out yesterday in international studies to be able to turn them in when we go on Thursday and it was quite exciting. As for the whole, am I a Nazi question, I am not, but significant doubt might be cast on that statement because of questions 13, 14 and 15 which were hair, eye, and skin color. The answers "blonde, blue, and fair" might earn me another glance when it gets to question 35 but who knows. We'll cross our fingers and hope that I am not the first Aryan person to apply for a travel visa. After all, I did say I would be there for only 7 days, so hopefully they would acknowledge the minimal possibility of forming the Fourth Reich in Brazil in that time period. Anyway!!

I am still here in Montevideo, for all of you who are curious. Yesterday was thoroughly uneventful. I didn't even follow through with plans to go take my laundry in. Thankfully, I corrected that error this morning and now have a pink slip of paper with a big 58 on it to remind me to pick up laundry tomorrow. Somehow, the lack of clothes in my closet leads me to believe I would forget. However, she did think that my name is Catalina, so I'm hoping no giant salad dressing bottles go in and steal my laundry based on the fact that my name is written on said bottle. However, the likelihood of me giving my pink number 58 to the aforementioned bottle leads me to believe that my t-shirts and other clothes are indeed safe. Anyway!!

Autumn and I went to the gym for Step Class last night and my favorite teacher, Bruno taught. Besides being tragically handsome and built, he has a tattoo on his right arm that looks Samoan. For this reason, we called him "Sam" until we found out that his name is Bruno. We do get an undue amount of attention from him because we are so bad, but we smile anyway. I can't decide if he likes us or hates us. I seem to get called out by his eyes all the time for being off step, but I don't mind. ;) Autumn and I got chased after on the street last night by this guy that had whistled as we walked by. We were scared until we realized that it was Wimon who had been in line for the ATM. We scolded him for scaring us. Anyway!!

That's about all I got for today. Watch my videos that I made about the Estancia this weekend and the one about the Legislative Palace if you haven't already! Thanks for the support and comments!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Pop says "hi"...and what is a gobernment? I need to talk to you about your family history and spelling. Missing you...where da bear? POP