Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yerba Mate and Being Four Again


Well today was a blast...again. Our first adventure started when we went to the bakery to get some delicious things for breakfast. There were about six of us went and set out around 9:30am, having to be back and ready at 10am. Thankfully, the bakery was not very far away, about three blocks. We walked in and being the type a that I am, I ordered first. I was one of the more advanced people that were on this little excursion so I had good pressure to make sure that it went okay. I asked the lady a couple of questions about the baked goods and then decided I was not going to be able to understand her anyway. I pointed and said a couple of numbers and she piled them all into a bag. I got to the register and the man talking to me said the number so fast that I had no clue what he said. It ended up being about 75 cents in US dollars and I got breakfast for like 3 people. Awesome!

Then the next girl, Allie got up to the counter and he asked her which one of us spoke the best spanish. She didn't know what he said, so she said, something like, "My spanish is not so good." The sweet patient man said, "Does anyone speak better spanish than her?" (pointing to me). She said "No" (I don't think she understood the question) and he had like an "Oh dear goodness if that one is the best...I quit."-face going on. So I laughed and took my treats outside.

Then we went to the mall, Puntas Carretas, and then the Ferria. The mall was very American, the market was not so much. We didn't like it and we were getting hot (a group of about half of us) so we decided to look for some food and get a bus to the beach for the rest of the afternoon. We just randomly started walking (safe, I know) and ended up at the mall again. We had lunch and decided to go back to CasaACU then and chill for the afternoon. Since we have being going and going and going since we got here, it was a good break.

After a short nap, some House, some unsucessful school supply shopping, and talking to Collin, we had a tour of the rest of the building that we are staying in. We walked all around and even went up on the roof at sunset. We actually, four of us, got stuck in the old elevator that goes up to the roof, kinda sketch. It was beautiful though.

Then we came down and met some of the youth from church. We drank mate (ma-tay) and tried to communicate. It was getting late and we were hungry so we had some pizza that the church had ordered for us. We got to sit and try to talk to the youth, but it was interesting because they speak no english, for the most part, and we speak reletively little spanish. Good times in another language.

When that was all over and cleaned up, we came back to Casa, and watched the Disney animal version of Robin Hood. Good times. Then we went and worked out together (again about half of us). We started kicking a soccerball around, and then added a football, and then added a couple of other balls and it got crazy. Linley took one for the team and I can honestly say I broke a nail... :( It's good though.

So after about 30-45 minutes of acting like four-year-olds in daycare, we have gone back to our rooms and are writing about the day.

Thank you so much for your prayers for me, my family, and our group as we are growing closer together all the time.

Blessings! Let me hear from ya!

1 comment:

momandlucy said...

You sound like Kate again!!!! I love reading about your days. Study hard too.