As the sun peered in my open window and the clock screamed at me that it was time to get up, I ached at the thought of yesterday. I prepared my mind for the pain I knew was awaiting me as soon as I became aware of it. But it was not there. The pain from yesterday was gone and I was immediately assured that today was a new and better day.
Sorry, I felt like being artistic for a minute. Needless to say, I am feeling much better today. I think that the twenty-four hour bug was just that and is now gone. I was still careful with what I ate, but I am feeling so much better it is unreal.
This morning we went and visited with a lady from the church named Gwen. She owns a lot of land and her son and his wife work hard to harvest all of the grapefruit, lemons, limes

, taro, bananas, and coconuts that they have on their little "plantation" type thing. That is how they make their living. They have discovered the true way to Samoan happiness: Let the ground grow you life f
or you. Really, with all the breadfruit and taro and bananas, Samoans don't really have to worry about ever going hungry. Gwen was keeping her grand-daug
hter who w
as just precious and we played with her for a while too. Gwen is a great source of strength
to the church and Rebecca (wife of the man with Alzheimer's) and it was great to visit more with her. Then we ran errands and got ready for the activity. We were supposed to do a scavenger hunt but it was raining so we had to modify it. When the kids got here, it was st

ill raining, so Marci and Melinda ran and got all the clues and re-hid them in the covered area or inside. I tried to play Apples to Apples with the kids, but that didn't work because they don't speak English that well, so we just drew our favorite animals. When we did t
he scavenger hunt finally, the kids loved it. There were only 4 kids that could come today, Roseta, Emme, Ray, and Steven, but they had fun anyway.
Each of the clues was a Bible verse reference and the kids had to find the verse, read it aloud, guess which word was the most special, and find the clue where that word was (like, "Knock and the DOOR would be opened unto you" might be taped to the front door). They had a really good time. One time, Ray read a verse and it said something like, "The Son of Man is at the window." Ray immedia

tely yelled out, "SON OF MAN!" as if that was what they were supposed to be looking for a
nd it was HILARIOUS. I said, "Well, yes, but that isn't the word that will lead us to the clue." It was great. He real
ly thought that was it. At the end, the last clue led them to the cake that we had made them that had our memory verse reference spelled out in M&M's. I don't think that the kids liked the cake as much as Marci, Melinda, and I did, but that was okay.
Then we talked
about a few verses in Romans and I thought they took it up better than the lesson on Sunday. We then prayed (Ray prayed in Samoan, so I have no idea what we prayed for; we
could have

prayed for shiny red volvos for all I know!). Then they taught us Jesus loves the little children in Samoan and we stood up when the color of our shirt was said. (I was wearing a pink shirt, so t
hey just told me to be white [haha!]) We played another game and our time was over.
We went to Mara and Lynn's for dinner and then out for ice cream with Colleen (Mara and Lynn's daugh
ter) and Danielle (David and Danna's daughter). Then we had another Siva lesson and it didn't go so well for me. Cheerleading made me dance too stiff. I need to learn to be more graceful and flow-y and stand up straight...I am working on it. We will do the siva next Friday, so I hope we are ready. (We will be!)
That is all for today. I would ask that you pray for the kids that came today and the ones that didn't. Send up a special prayer for Brenda, Mua, and Douglas, as they couldn't come because they were babysitting their little siblings and that happens a lot.
Thanks for all the prayers and support!